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Ready to Learn

Ready to Learn

Students should come to school ready to learn.  Ways to help your child include ensuring that your child has:

  • Enough sleep (if your child has a hard time waking up in the morning then he/she has not had enough sleep during the night)
  • Eats breakfast (breakfast IS the most important meal of the day.  It doesn't have to be eggs or pancakes, but it should include some sort of protein, like cheese, peanut butter, meat, nuts, eggs, or yogurt; plus some sort of fruit and some grain)
  • Nutritious lunch (use the guidelines above)
  • Dressed appropriately for the weather and the activity of the school day.  Children do a lot of walking, running, and climbing during the school day.  Sneakers are the best shoes for active children.  Comfortable clothing that allows for play is the most appropriate for school.  Jackets, mittens, hats are especially important when the weather turns cold.
  • Water to drink.  Students can bring a water bottle to school that can be refilled during the school day.  An active child should have at least two pints of water during the school day.