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Physical Exams

Physical Examinations

New Jersey State Law and Cherry Hill School District policy mandate that all new and transferring students entering public school present evidence of a physical examination (completed within one year from the date of registration).
The physical exam form needed for a new student entering elementary school can be found at:

All students who participate in athletics in the Middle and High Schools must have an athletic physical examination annually, recorded on the NJ State mandated form (see attachment at bottom of page).

School nurses can provide families with a list of medical facilities providing physical exams and medical care, as well as application information for NJ Family Care insurance for those who need such assistance.

Parents of fifth grade students can submit both an updated copy of immunization record demonstrating that the child has received pertussis containing vaccine and meningococcal vaccine (or the document of a pending appointment) and the athletic physical exam report to the middle school nurse after June 1 of the fifth grade year, or submit to me before June 1.

All parents of student athletes will be provided with access to the informational pamphlet entitled,"Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes." You may access this pamphlet at:

Athletic Physical Exam Forms