Believe it or not, many students, faculty, staff and visitors have allergies. Most people think about seasonal allergies or hay fever when we speak of allergies, but people can have allergic reactions to all sorts of allergens. Dust, pollen, molds, spores, latex, perfumes, insect venom and food products are some of the many common allergies people experience. Allergies most often cause stuffy/runny noses, burning/itchy eyes and generalized discomfort. Many people, however, have more severe allergic responses causing difficulty breathing and can be potentially life-threatening.
It is for these reasons that we ask all visitors to our building to avoid wearing perfumes/colognes or other scented products or fragrances
that can cause a respiratory reaction. In addition, we ask that you DO NOT send in food products to share with other children. All teachers are notified when there is a child in their class with a severe allergy so that they can take the necessary precautions.
If your child has allergies and/or special needs associated with allergy treatment and care, please consult with the nurse.
See the link below for the Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Treatment form. The form must be completed by the physician and signed by both the physician and parent for allergy medication to be administered during the school day.